
View Source
from numpy import longdouble, longlong
from . import warnings
from . import math
from . import random
from . import np

def reverse_cipher(msg: str):
    The reverse cipher. Note: this encryption scheme is not recommeneded, and is often reffered to as the 'weakest cipher ever in history.' Returns the string backwards.


        reverse_cipher('Hi') # Returns 'iH'

    ## Parameters
    - msg: The message to encrypt with the reverse cipher
    new_msg = msg[::-1]
    del msg
    return new_msg # pragma: no cover

def lfl(text: str, key: list):
    Does a letter for letter encryption. Takes one letter and replaces it with another letter specified in the key.

        lfl('Text', [['t', 'h'], ['e', 'i'], ['x', 'g'], ['T', 'H']]) # Returns 'High'. NOTE: this is case sensitive.
    ## Parameters

    - text: Text to encrypt

    - key: The encryption key. eg. `[['a', 'z'], ['b', 'y'], ..., ['y', 'b'], ['z', 'a']]` will change all a's to z's and b's to y's, etc.
    splittext = [char for char in text]
    newtext = []

    for x in range(0, len(splittext)):
        charfound = False
        for y in range(0, len(key)):
            if key[y][0] == splittext[x]:
                rchar = key[y][1]
                charfound = True
        if charfound is True:
    del text
    del key

    return ''.join(newtext)

def dec_lfl(text: str, key: list):
    Decrypts a letter for letter encryption.

        dec_lfl('High', [['t', 'h'], ['e', 'i'], ['x', 'g'], ['T', 'H']]) # Returns 'Text'. NOTE: this is case sensitive.
    ## Parameters

    - text: Text to encrypt

    - key: The encryption key. eg. `[['a', 'z'], ['b', 'y'], ..., ['y', 'b'], ['z', 'a']]` will change all z's to a's and y's to b's, etc.
    splittext = [char for char in text]
    newtext = []

    for x in range(0, len(splittext)):
        charfound = False
        for y in range(0, len(key)):
            if key[y][1] == splittext[x]:
                rchar = key[y][0]
                charfound = True
        if charfound is True:
    del text
    del key

    return ''.join(newtext)

class Porta:
    def __init__(self, alphabet=None):
        For using the Porta Cipher. Read about the cipher - [http://practicalcryptography.com/ciphers/classical-era/porta/](http://practicalcryptography.com/ciphers/classical-era/porta/)


            cipher = Porta(alphabet=None) 
        ## Parameters

        `alphabet`: Defaults to none. The alphabet for the porta cipher
        if alphabet is None:
            self.alphabet = {
                "A": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "NOPQRSTUVWXYZ "),
                "B": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "NOPQRSTUVWXYZ "),
                "C": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "ZNOPQRSTUVWXY "),
                "D": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "ZNOPQRSTUVWXY "),
                "E": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "YZNOPQRSTUVWX "),
                "F": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "YZNOPQRSTUVWX "),
                "G": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "XYZNOPQRSTUVW "),
                "H": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "XYZNOPQRSTUVW "),
                "I": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "WXYZNOPQRSTUV "),
                "J": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "WXYZNOPQRSTUV "),
                "K": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "VWXYZNOPQRSTU "),
                "L": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "VWXYZNOPQRSTU "),
                "M": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "UVWXYZNOPQRST "),
                "N": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "UVWXYZNOPQRST "),
                "O": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "TUVWXYZNOPQRS "),
                "P": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "TUVWXYZNOPQRS "),
                "Q": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "STUVWXYZNOPQR "),
                "R": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "STUVWXYZNOPQR "),
                "S": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "RSTUVWXYZNOPQ "),
                "T": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "RSTUVWXYZNOPQ "),
                "U": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "QRSTUVWXYZNOP "),
                "V": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "QRSTUVWXYZNOP "),
                "W": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "PQRSTUVWXYZNO "),
                "X": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "PQRSTUVWXYZNO "),
                "Y": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "OPQRSTUVWXYZN "),
                "Z": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "OPQRSTUVWXYZN "),
            self.alphabet = alphabet

    def encrypt(self, text: str, key: str):
        Encrypts text using the porta cipher.


            cipher = Porta()
            cipher.encrypt(text: str, key: str)
        ## Parameters

        text: `str` The text to encrypt (will only encrypt characters A-M and no numbers or symbols, and simply doesn't change the characters.)

        key: `str` The key to encrypt with
        brokenkey = list(key.upper())
        brokentext = list(text.upper())
        key1 = []

        for charpos in range(0, len(brokentext)):
            if charpos >= len(brokenkey):
                brokenkey = brokenkey+brokenkey

        encrypted = []

        table = [self.alphabet[char.upper()] for char in key1]
        for x in range(0, len(brokentext)):
            found = False
            for char in range(0, len(list(table[x][0]))):
                if list(table[x][0])[char] == brokentext[x]:
                    found = True
                elif list(table[x][1])[char] == brokentext[x]:
                    found = True

            if found is False:

        del key
        del text
        return ''.join(encrypted)

    def decrypt(self, text: str, key: str):
        Decrypts text using the porta cipher.


            cipher = Porta()
            cipher.decrypt(text: str, key: str)
        ## Parameters

        text: `str` The text to decrypt

        key: `str` The key to decrypt with

        brokenkey = list(key.upper())
        brokentext = list(text.upper())
        key1 = []

        for charpos in range(0, len(brokentext)):
            if charpos >= len(brokenkey):
                brokenkey = brokenkey+brokenkey

        decrypted = []

        table = [self.alphabet[char.upper()] for char in key1]
        for x in range(0, len(brokentext)):
            found = False
            for char in range(0, len(list(table[x][0]))):
                if list(table[x][1])[char] == brokentext[x]:
                    found = True
                elif list(table[x][0])[char] == brokentext[x]:
                    found = True
            if found is False:
        del key
        del text

        return ''.join(decrypted)

class SSS(object):
    ## Shamir's Secret Sharing System (abbreviated SSS)
    Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamir's_Secret_Sharing


    Shamir's Secret Sharing System provides a way of dividing up a secret,
    S, among N parties. S can *only* be found if all N parties put their keys together.
    Shamir's Secret Sharing System uses the coefficients of a polynomial to encode the data
    and assigns each party a point on the polynomial.
    def __init__(self, bytes):
        """Initializes Shamir's Secret Sharing System with data from parameter `bytes`"""
        self.data = str(bytes)
        self.bytes = len(self.data)
        self.shares = []

    def divide(self, n, quiet=False):
        Returns a tuple of digits from the data, dividing it up into `n` shares
        Turn on quiet mode with `quiet=True`
        self.data = str(self.data)
        if n > self.bytes:  # pragma: no cover
            n = self.bytes
            raise ValueError('Dividing up a byte into more shares than it has digits is currently not supported. '
                          f'Using maximum of `n={len(self.data)}` shares for data with {len(self.data)} bytes.')

        prev = 0
        for k in range(n):
            self.shares.append(''.join(self.data[prev : prev + int((self.bytes - prev) / (n - k))]))
            prev += int((self.bytes - prev) / (n - k))

        deleted = 0
        for i, share in enumerate(self.shares):
            if share == '':  # pragma: no cover
                warnings.warn(f'Share {i+deleted} holds no information. Discarding ...')
                del self.shares[i]
                warnings.warn(f'Share {i+deleted} has been discarded.')
                deleted += 1

        for index, share in enumerate(self.shares):
            self.shares[index] = int(share)

        if not quiet:
                  'Operation successful\n'
                  f'{deleted} shares discarded')

        return self.shares

    def encrypt(self, width=100, quiet=False):
        Create a nth degree polynomial and return a list of points in the form (x,y) for each share
        > To specify a certain range to sample the polynomial from (e.g. -50 to +50), 
        > use the `width=` selector, preset to `100`. It will automatically create a 
        > range with a mean of `0` and stretch `width` units.

        width = max(len(self.shares), width)

        def f(x):
            """Create polynomial"""
            sum = 0
            for degree, n in enumerate(self.shares):
                sum += n * x ** degree
            return sum
        # Parse `f` and print the result
        parsed = ''
        for degree, n in enumerate(self.shares):
            parsed += f'{n}x^{degree} + '
        parsed = ''.join(list(parsed)[:-3])  # remove unnecessary ' + ' at the end
        if not quiet:
                'Polynomial f(x) created\n'
                'f(x) =\n' 

        # Generate `n` encryption pairs
        options = []
        start = math.floor(-width/2)
        end = math.ceil(width/2)
        while start <= end:
            start += 1
        picked = 0
        pairs = []
        while picked <= len(self.shares):
            item = int(len(options)*random.random())
            x = options[item]
            pairs.append((x, f(x)))
            del options[item]
            picked += 1
        if not quiet:
                'ENCRYPTED DATA\n'
                'Operation successful\n'
                f'{len(self.shares)} shares encrypted\n'
                'Give each tuple to \n'
                'exactly one person.\n'
                'Do NOT share!\n'
                'KEY BLOCK\n'
        shares = 'START-SSS\n---------\n'
        for person, share in enumerate(pairs):
            shares += f'{person} : {share} \n'
        shares += '-------\nEND-SSS'
        del f
        del parsed
        del options
        del start
        del end
        del picked
        del item
        del x
        del shares

        if not quiet:
            print('Auto-delete mechanism exited with 0')
            print('Initiating self-destruct sequence')
            print('Make sure to close this terminal ')
            print('after copying the data.')

        return pairs

def dec_SSS(pairs):
    | Input | Output |
    | --- | --- |
    | (x,y) | polynomial coefficients |
    shares = len(pairs)

    equation = []
    solutions = []

    for pair in pairs:
        row = []
        for k in range(shares): row.append(pair[0] ** k)
    equation = np.array(equation, dtype=int)
    solutions = np.array(solutions, dtype=int)

    x = np.linalg.solve(equation, solutions)
    x = np.array(x, dtype=int)

    print('Decryption successful!\n'
          'Below are the polynomial coefficients\n'

    return x
#   def reverse_cipher(msg: str):
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def reverse_cipher(msg: str):
    The reverse cipher. Note: this encryption scheme is not recommeneded, and is often reffered to as the 'weakest cipher ever in history.' Returns the string backwards.


        reverse_cipher('Hi') # Returns 'iH'

    ## Parameters
    - msg: The message to encrypt with the reverse cipher
    new_msg = msg[::-1]
    del msg
    return new_msg # pragma: no cover

The reverse cipher. Note: this encryption scheme is not recommeneded, and is often reffered to as the 'weakest cipher ever in history.' Returns the string backwards.

reverse_cipher('Hi') # Returns 'iH'


  • msg: The message to encrypt with the reverse cipher
#   def lfl(text: str, key: list):
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def lfl(text: str, key: list):
    Does a letter for letter encryption. Takes one letter and replaces it with another letter specified in the key.

        lfl('Text', [['t', 'h'], ['e', 'i'], ['x', 'g'], ['T', 'H']]) # Returns 'High'. NOTE: this is case sensitive.
    ## Parameters

    - text: Text to encrypt

    - key: The encryption key. eg. `[['a', 'z'], ['b', 'y'], ..., ['y', 'b'], ['z', 'a']]` will change all a's to z's and b's to y's, etc.
    splittext = [char for char in text]
    newtext = []

    for x in range(0, len(splittext)):
        charfound = False
        for y in range(0, len(key)):
            if key[y][0] == splittext[x]:
                rchar = key[y][1]
                charfound = True
        if charfound is True:
    del text
    del key

    return ''.join(newtext)

Does a letter for letter encryption. Takes one letter and replaces it with another letter specified in the key.

lfl('Text', [['t', 'h'], ['e', 'i'], ['x', 'g'], ['T', 'H']]) # Returns 'High'. NOTE: this is case sensitive.


  • text: Text to encrypt

  • key: The encryption key. eg. [['a', 'z'], ['b', 'y'], ..., ['y', 'b'], ['z', 'a']] will change all a's to z's and b's to y's, etc.

#   def dec_lfl(text: str, key: list):
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def dec_lfl(text: str, key: list):
    Decrypts a letter for letter encryption.

        dec_lfl('High', [['t', 'h'], ['e', 'i'], ['x', 'g'], ['T', 'H']]) # Returns 'Text'. NOTE: this is case sensitive.
    ## Parameters

    - text: Text to encrypt

    - key: The encryption key. eg. `[['a', 'z'], ['b', 'y'], ..., ['y', 'b'], ['z', 'a']]` will change all z's to a's and y's to b's, etc.
    splittext = [char for char in text]
    newtext = []

    for x in range(0, len(splittext)):
        charfound = False
        for y in range(0, len(key)):
            if key[y][1] == splittext[x]:
                rchar = key[y][0]
                charfound = True
        if charfound is True:
    del text
    del key

    return ''.join(newtext)

Decrypts a letter for letter encryption.

dec_lfl('High', [['t', 'h'], ['e', 'i'], ['x', 'g'], ['T', 'H']]) # Returns 'Text'. NOTE: this is case sensitive.


  • text: Text to encrypt

  • key: The encryption key. eg. [['a', 'z'], ['b', 'y'], ..., ['y', 'b'], ['z', 'a']] will change all z's to a's and y's to b's, etc.

#   class Porta:
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class Porta:
    def __init__(self, alphabet=None):
        For using the Porta Cipher. Read about the cipher - [http://practicalcryptography.com/ciphers/classical-era/porta/](http://practicalcryptography.com/ciphers/classical-era/porta/)


            cipher = Porta(alphabet=None) 
        ## Parameters

        `alphabet`: Defaults to none. The alphabet for the porta cipher
        if alphabet is None:
            self.alphabet = {
                "A": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "NOPQRSTUVWXYZ "),
                "B": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "NOPQRSTUVWXYZ "),
                "C": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "ZNOPQRSTUVWXY "),
                "D": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "ZNOPQRSTUVWXY "),
                "E": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "YZNOPQRSTUVWX "),
                "F": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "YZNOPQRSTUVWX "),
                "G": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "XYZNOPQRSTUVW "),
                "H": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "XYZNOPQRSTUVW "),
                "I": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "WXYZNOPQRSTUV "),
                "J": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "WXYZNOPQRSTUV "),
                "K": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "VWXYZNOPQRSTU "),
                "L": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "VWXYZNOPQRSTU "),
                "M": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "UVWXYZNOPQRST "),
                "N": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "UVWXYZNOPQRST "),
                "O": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "TUVWXYZNOPQRS "),
                "P": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "TUVWXYZNOPQRS "),
                "Q": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "STUVWXYZNOPQR "),
                "R": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "STUVWXYZNOPQR "),
                "S": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "RSTUVWXYZNOPQ "),
                "T": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "RSTUVWXYZNOPQ "),
                "U": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "QRSTUVWXYZNOP "),
                "V": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "QRSTUVWXYZNOP "),
                "W": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "PQRSTUVWXYZNO "),
                "X": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "PQRSTUVWXYZNO "),
                "Y": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "OPQRSTUVWXYZN "),
                "Z": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "OPQRSTUVWXYZN "),
            self.alphabet = alphabet

    def encrypt(self, text: str, key: str):
        Encrypts text using the porta cipher.


            cipher = Porta()
            cipher.encrypt(text: str, key: str)
        ## Parameters

        text: `str` The text to encrypt (will only encrypt characters A-M and no numbers or symbols, and simply doesn't change the characters.)

        key: `str` The key to encrypt with
        brokenkey = list(key.upper())
        brokentext = list(text.upper())
        key1 = []

        for charpos in range(0, len(brokentext)):
            if charpos >= len(brokenkey):
                brokenkey = brokenkey+brokenkey

        encrypted = []

        table = [self.alphabet[char.upper()] for char in key1]
        for x in range(0, len(brokentext)):
            found = False
            for char in range(0, len(list(table[x][0]))):
                if list(table[x][0])[char] == brokentext[x]:
                    found = True
                elif list(table[x][1])[char] == brokentext[x]:
                    found = True

            if found is False:

        del key
        del text
        return ''.join(encrypted)

    def decrypt(self, text: str, key: str):
        Decrypts text using the porta cipher.


            cipher = Porta()
            cipher.decrypt(text: str, key: str)
        ## Parameters

        text: `str` The text to decrypt

        key: `str` The key to decrypt with

        brokenkey = list(key.upper())
        brokentext = list(text.upper())
        key1 = []

        for charpos in range(0, len(brokentext)):
            if charpos >= len(brokenkey):
                brokenkey = brokenkey+brokenkey

        decrypted = []

        table = [self.alphabet[char.upper()] for char in key1]
        for x in range(0, len(brokentext)):
            found = False
            for char in range(0, len(list(table[x][0]))):
                if list(table[x][1])[char] == brokentext[x]:
                    found = True
                elif list(table[x][0])[char] == brokentext[x]:
                    found = True
            if found is False:
        del key
        del text

        return ''.join(decrypted)
#   Porta(alphabet=None)
View Source
    def __init__(self, alphabet=None):
        For using the Porta Cipher. Read about the cipher - [http://practicalcryptography.com/ciphers/classical-era/porta/](http://practicalcryptography.com/ciphers/classical-era/porta/)


            cipher = Porta(alphabet=None) 
        ## Parameters

        `alphabet`: Defaults to none. The alphabet for the porta cipher
        if alphabet is None:
            self.alphabet = {
                "A": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "NOPQRSTUVWXYZ "),
                "B": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "NOPQRSTUVWXYZ "),
                "C": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "ZNOPQRSTUVWXY "),
                "D": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "ZNOPQRSTUVWXY "),
                "E": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "YZNOPQRSTUVWX "),
                "F": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "YZNOPQRSTUVWX "),
                "G": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "XYZNOPQRSTUVW "),
                "H": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "XYZNOPQRSTUVW "),
                "I": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "WXYZNOPQRSTUV "),
                "J": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "WXYZNOPQRSTUV "),
                "K": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "VWXYZNOPQRSTU "),
                "L": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "VWXYZNOPQRSTU "),
                "M": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "UVWXYZNOPQRST "),
                "N": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "UVWXYZNOPQRST "),
                "O": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "TUVWXYZNOPQRS "),
                "P": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "TUVWXYZNOPQRS "),
                "Q": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "STUVWXYZNOPQR "),
                "R": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "STUVWXYZNOPQR "),
                "S": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "RSTUVWXYZNOPQ "),
                "T": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "RSTUVWXYZNOPQ "),
                "U": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "QRSTUVWXYZNOP "),
                "V": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "QRSTUVWXYZNOP "),
                "W": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "PQRSTUVWXYZNO "),
                "X": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "PQRSTUVWXYZNO "),
                "Y": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "OPQRSTUVWXYZN "),
                "Z": ("ABCDEFGHIJKLM ", "OPQRSTUVWXYZN "),
            self.alphabet = alphabet

For using the Porta Cipher. Read about the cipher - http://practicalcryptography.com/ciphers/classical-era/porta/

cipher = Porta(alphabet=None)


alphabet: Defaults to none. The alphabet for the porta cipher

#   def encrypt(self, text: str, key: str):
View Source
    def encrypt(self, text: str, key: str):
        Encrypts text using the porta cipher.


            cipher = Porta()
            cipher.encrypt(text: str, key: str)
        ## Parameters

        text: `str` The text to encrypt (will only encrypt characters A-M and no numbers or symbols, and simply doesn't change the characters.)

        key: `str` The key to encrypt with
        brokenkey = list(key.upper())
        brokentext = list(text.upper())
        key1 = []

        for charpos in range(0, len(brokentext)):
            if charpos >= len(brokenkey):
                brokenkey = brokenkey+brokenkey

        encrypted = []

        table = [self.alphabet[char.upper()] for char in key1]
        for x in range(0, len(brokentext)):
            found = False
            for char in range(0, len(list(table[x][0]))):
                if list(table[x][0])[char] == brokentext[x]:
                    found = True
                elif list(table[x][1])[char] == brokentext[x]:
                    found = True

            if found is False:

        del key
        del text
        return ''.join(encrypted)

Encrypts text using the porta cipher.

cipher = Porta()
cipher.encrypt(text: str, key: str)


text: str The text to encrypt (will only encrypt characters A-M and no numbers or symbols, and simply doesn't change the characters.)

key: str The key to encrypt with

#   def decrypt(self, text: str, key: str):
View Source
    def decrypt(self, text: str, key: str):
        Decrypts text using the porta cipher.


            cipher = Porta()
            cipher.decrypt(text: str, key: str)
        ## Parameters

        text: `str` The text to decrypt

        key: `str` The key to decrypt with

        brokenkey = list(key.upper())
        brokentext = list(text.upper())
        key1 = []

        for charpos in range(0, len(brokentext)):
            if charpos >= len(brokenkey):
                brokenkey = brokenkey+brokenkey

        decrypted = []

        table = [self.alphabet[char.upper()] for char in key1]
        for x in range(0, len(brokentext)):
            found = False
            for char in range(0, len(list(table[x][0]))):
                if list(table[x][1])[char] == brokentext[x]:
                    found = True
                elif list(table[x][0])[char] == brokentext[x]:
                    found = True
            if found is False:
        del key
        del text

        return ''.join(decrypted)

Decrypts text using the porta cipher.

cipher = Porta()
cipher.decrypt(text: str, key: str)


text: str The text to decrypt

key: str The key to decrypt with

#   class SSS:
View Source
class SSS(object):
    ## Shamir's Secret Sharing System (abbreviated SSS)
    Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamir's_Secret_Sharing


    Shamir's Secret Sharing System provides a way of dividing up a secret,
    S, among N parties. S can *only* be found if all N parties put their keys together.
    Shamir's Secret Sharing System uses the coefficients of a polynomial to encode the data
    and assigns each party a point on the polynomial.
    def __init__(self, bytes):
        """Initializes Shamir's Secret Sharing System with data from parameter `bytes`"""
        self.data = str(bytes)
        self.bytes = len(self.data)
        self.shares = []

    def divide(self, n, quiet=False):
        Returns a tuple of digits from the data, dividing it up into `n` shares
        Turn on quiet mode with `quiet=True`
        self.data = str(self.data)
        if n > self.bytes:  # pragma: no cover
            n = self.bytes
            raise ValueError('Dividing up a byte into more shares than it has digits is currently not supported. '
                          f'Using maximum of `n={len(self.data)}` shares for data with {len(self.data)} bytes.')

        prev = 0
        for k in range(n):
            self.shares.append(''.join(self.data[prev : prev + int((self.bytes - prev) / (n - k))]))
            prev += int((self.bytes - prev) / (n - k))

        deleted = 0
        for i, share in enumerate(self.shares):
            if share == '':  # pragma: no cover
                warnings.warn(f'Share {i+deleted} holds no information. Discarding ...')
                del self.shares[i]
                warnings.warn(f'Share {i+deleted} has been discarded.')
                deleted += 1

        for index, share in enumerate(self.shares):
            self.shares[index] = int(share)

        if not quiet:
                  'Operation successful\n'
                  f'{deleted} shares discarded')

        return self.shares

    def encrypt(self, width=100, quiet=False):
        Create a nth degree polynomial and return a list of points in the form (x,y) for each share
        > To specify a certain range to sample the polynomial from (e.g. -50 to +50), 
        > use the `width=` selector, preset to `100`. It will automatically create a 
        > range with a mean of `0` and stretch `width` units.

        width = max(len(self.shares), width)

        def f(x):
            """Create polynomial"""
            sum = 0
            for degree, n in enumerate(self.shares):
                sum += n * x ** degree
            return sum
        # Parse `f` and print the result
        parsed = ''
        for degree, n in enumerate(self.shares):
            parsed += f'{n}x^{degree} + '
        parsed = ''.join(list(parsed)[:-3])  # remove unnecessary ' + ' at the end
        if not quiet:
                'Polynomial f(x) created\n'
                'f(x) =\n' 

        # Generate `n` encryption pairs
        options = []
        start = math.floor(-width/2)
        end = math.ceil(width/2)
        while start <= end:
            start += 1
        picked = 0
        pairs = []
        while picked <= len(self.shares):
            item = int(len(options)*random.random())
            x = options[item]
            pairs.append((x, f(x)))
            del options[item]
            picked += 1
        if not quiet:
                'ENCRYPTED DATA\n'
                'Operation successful\n'
                f'{len(self.shares)} shares encrypted\n'
                'Give each tuple to \n'
                'exactly one person.\n'
                'Do NOT share!\n'
                'KEY BLOCK\n'
        shares = 'START-SSS\n---------\n'
        for person, share in enumerate(pairs):
            shares += f'{person} : {share} \n'
        shares += '-------\nEND-SSS'
        del f
        del parsed
        del options
        del start
        del end
        del picked
        del item
        del x
        del shares

        if not quiet:
            print('Auto-delete mechanism exited with 0')
            print('Initiating self-destruct sequence')
            print('Make sure to close this terminal ')
            print('after copying the data.')

        return pairs

Shamir's Secret Sharing System (abbreviated SSS)

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamir's_Secret_Sharing

Shamir's Secret Sharing System provides a way of dividing up a secret, S, among N parties. S can only be found if all N parties put their keys together. Shamir's Secret Sharing System uses the coefficients of a polynomial to encode the data and assigns each party a point on the polynomial.

#   SSS(bytes)
View Source
    def __init__(self, bytes):
        """Initializes Shamir's Secret Sharing System with data from parameter `bytes`"""
        self.data = str(bytes)
        self.bytes = len(self.data)
        self.shares = []

Initializes Shamir's Secret Sharing System with data from parameter bytes

#   def divide(self, n, quiet=False):
View Source
    def divide(self, n, quiet=False):
        Returns a tuple of digits from the data, dividing it up into `n` shares
        Turn on quiet mode with `quiet=True`
        self.data = str(self.data)
        if n > self.bytes:  # pragma: no cover
            n = self.bytes
            raise ValueError('Dividing up a byte into more shares than it has digits is currently not supported. '
                          f'Using maximum of `n={len(self.data)}` shares for data with {len(self.data)} bytes.')

        prev = 0
        for k in range(n):
            self.shares.append(''.join(self.data[prev : prev + int((self.bytes - prev) / (n - k))]))
            prev += int((self.bytes - prev) / (n - k))

        deleted = 0
        for i, share in enumerate(self.shares):
            if share == '':  # pragma: no cover
                warnings.warn(f'Share {i+deleted} holds no information. Discarding ...')
                del self.shares[i]
                warnings.warn(f'Share {i+deleted} has been discarded.')
                deleted += 1

        for index, share in enumerate(self.shares):
            self.shares[index] = int(share)

        if not quiet:
                  'Operation successful\n'
                  f'{deleted} shares discarded')

        return self.shares

Returns a tuple of digits from the data, dividing it up into n shares Turn on quiet mode with quiet=True

#   def encrypt(self, width=100, quiet=False):
View Source
    def encrypt(self, width=100, quiet=False):
        Create a nth degree polynomial and return a list of points in the form (x,y) for each share
        > To specify a certain range to sample the polynomial from (e.g. -50 to +50), 
        > use the `width=` selector, preset to `100`. It will automatically create a 
        > range with a mean of `0` and stretch `width` units.

        width = max(len(self.shares), width)

        def f(x):
            """Create polynomial"""
            sum = 0
            for degree, n in enumerate(self.shares):
                sum += n * x ** degree
            return sum
        # Parse `f` and print the result
        parsed = ''
        for degree, n in enumerate(self.shares):
            parsed += f'{n}x^{degree} + '
        parsed = ''.join(list(parsed)[:-3])  # remove unnecessary ' + ' at the end
        if not quiet:
                'Polynomial f(x) created\n'
                'f(x) =\n' 

        # Generate `n` encryption pairs
        options = []
        start = math.floor(-width/2)
        end = math.ceil(width/2)
        while start <= end:
            start += 1
        picked = 0
        pairs = []
        while picked <= len(self.shares):
            item = int(len(options)*random.random())
            x = options[item]
            pairs.append((x, f(x)))
            del options[item]
            picked += 1
        if not quiet:
                'ENCRYPTED DATA\n'
                'Operation successful\n'
                f'{len(self.shares)} shares encrypted\n'
                'Give each tuple to \n'
                'exactly one person.\n'
                'Do NOT share!\n'
                'KEY BLOCK\n'
        shares = 'START-SSS\n---------\n'
        for person, share in enumerate(pairs):
            shares += f'{person} : {share} \n'
        shares += '-------\nEND-SSS'
        del f
        del parsed
        del options
        del start
        del end
        del picked
        del item
        del x
        del shares

        if not quiet:
            print('Auto-delete mechanism exited with 0')
            print('Initiating self-destruct sequence')
            print('Make sure to close this terminal ')
            print('after copying the data.')

        return pairs

Create a nth degree polynomial and return a list of points in the form (x,y) for each share Protip:

To specify a certain range to sample the polynomial from (e.g. -50 to +50), use the width= selector, preset to 100. It will automatically create a range with a mean of 0 and stretch width units.

#   def dec_SSS(pairs):
View Source
def dec_SSS(pairs):
    | Input | Output |
    | --- | --- |
    | (x,y) | polynomial coefficients |
    shares = len(pairs)

    equation = []
    solutions = []

    for pair in pairs:
        row = []
        for k in range(shares): row.append(pair[0] ** k)
    equation = np.array(equation, dtype=int)
    solutions = np.array(solutions, dtype=int)

    x = np.linalg.solve(equation, solutions)
    x = np.array(x, dtype=int)

    print('Decryption successful!\n'
          'Below are the polynomial coefficients\n'

    return x
Input Output
(x,y) polynomial coefficients